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Deposit Savings Calculator

Discover how long it will take to save for your home deposit with our Home Loan Deposit Savings Calculator. Learn about additional costs and saving strategies.

What is a Home Loan Deposit?

A home loan deposit is the initial amount of money you need to pay upfront when purchasing a property. This deposit is crucial as it demonstrates to lenders your ability to save and manage finances, which in turn lowers their risk when they lend you the rest of the money required to buy your home. Typically, the deposit for a home loan is a percentage of the property's purchase price. The higher the deposit, the less you'll need to borrow, potentially resulting in better loan terms.

Typical Deposit Percentages

Lenders usually require a deposit that ranges from 5% to 20% of the property’s purchase price. For first home buyers, a 20% deposit is ideal as it avoids the need for Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI). However, low deposit home loans, which may accept as little as 5%, are available for those who qualify, albeit often with higher interest rates and LMI costs.

Introducing the Home Loan Deposit Savings Calculator

How the Calculator Works

A Home Loan Deposit Calculator helps you determine how long it will take to save for your home deposit. By inputting your target deposit amount, current savings, monthly savings contributions, and expected interest rates, the calculator provides an estimated timeline to reach your savings goal. This tool is essential for first home buyers as it offers a clear savings plan and helps set realistic timelines.

Benefits of Using a Savings Calculator

Using a Savings Calculator or a Savings Estimator offers several benefits:

  • Accurate Planning: It provides a precise estimate of the time required to save for your deposit.
  • Motivation: Seeing a concrete timeline can motivate you to stick to your savings plan.
  • Financial Insights: It helps you understand the impact of different savings rates and interest rates on your timeline.
  • Adjustable Goals: You can adjust your inputs to see how changes in your financial situation affect your savings goal.

Factors Influencing Your Savings Timeline

Income and Savings Rate

Your income level and how much you can save monthly are primary factors in determining how long it will take to save for your home deposit. Higher incomes and disciplined savings habits can significantly shorten your timeline. For instance, if you dedicate a higher percentage of your income to your savings, you'll reach your goal faster.

Property Prices and Market Conditions

The price of the property you wish to buy, and the overall market conditions also impact your savings timeline. Rising property prices mean you need a larger deposit, extending your savings period. Conversely, stable or falling prices can make it quicker to save the required amount.

Additional Costs to Consider When Buying a Property

Stamp Duty

Stamp duty is a government tax on property transactions. The amount varies by location and property value, and it can significantly increase the upfront cost of buying a home. It’s important to factor this into your overall savings plan.

Transfer Duty

Transfer duty, similar to stamp duty, is a fee paid to transfer the property title from the seller to the buyer. This duty varies across different states and territories, so check your local regulations.

Mortgage Registration Fee

The mortgage registration fee is a charge by the government to register the property as the lender’s security. It’s a relatively small cost but essential to include in your budget.

Application Fee

Most lenders charge an application fee when you apply for a home loan. This fee covers the cost of processing your application and setting up the loan. Ensure you account for this fee in your overall savings plan.

Strategies to Save Faster for Your Home Deposit

Budgeting and Expense Tracking

Creating a detailed budget and tracking your expenses are fundamental steps in saving for a home deposit. Identify areas where you can cut back on spending and redirect those funds into your savings. Utilise budgeting tools, such as Craggle’s Budget Planner, to keep track of your progress and stay on target.

Leveraging High-Interest Savings Accounts

Placing your savings in a high-interest account can significantly boost your savings over time. These accounts offer better interest rates than standard savings accounts, helping your money grow faster. Research different banks and financial institutions to find the best rates available.

Exploring Government Assistance Programs

Various government programs can assist first home buyers in saving for their deposit. These programs often include grants, tax benefits, and savings schemes designed to make it easier to buy your first home. Research available programs in your area and see if you qualify.


How much should I save for a home loan deposit?

The amount you should save for a home loan deposit typically ranges from 5% to 20% of the property's purchase price. A higher deposit can reduce your loan amount and possibly qualify you for better loan terms.

How does a home loan deposit savings calculator work?

A home loan deposit savings calculator helps estimate the time required to save for your deposit by taking into account your target deposit amount, current savings, monthly contributions, and interest rates.

What additional costs should I consider when buying a home?

Besides the home loan deposit, consider additional costs such as stamp duty, transfer duty, mortgage registration fee, and application fee.

How can I save faster for my home loan deposit?

To save faster, create a budget, track your expenses, use high-interest savings accounts, and explore government assistance programs for first home buyers.

What is the typical percentage required for a home loan deposit?

Typically, lenders require a deposit of 5% to 20% of the property’s purchase price. A 20% deposit is ideal to avoid Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI).

Are there any government programs to help with saving for a home deposit?

Yes, many governments offer programs like grants and savings schemes to assist first home buyers in saving for their home deposit.


Saving for a home deposit requires careful planning and disciplined saving. By understanding home loan deposit requirements and using tools like the Home Loan Deposit Savings Calculator, you can set realistic goals and timelines. Don't forget to consider additional costs such as stamp duty and application fees in your savings plan. With the right strategies and assistance, achieving your dream of homeownership can be closer than you think. Use the resources available to you and start your journey to saving for a home deposit today.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are strictly for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as financial advice or recommendations.